Heading for Season of Creation

This week sees us officially begin the season of Spring. We have been blessed with glorious weather as a sign of the warmth to come as we leave behind the Winter chill. It is fitting that at this time in our church we are celebrating a Season of Creation. This is a time to honour God as Creator and consider our role as stewards of Creation.

Our Earth is a common home for all of God’s Creation humans, animals and plants. Humans are having an impact on this planet that affects all living beings. As conscious beings, humanity has the responsibility to take action to care for the planet.

In the past week Greta Thunberg a 16 year old Sweedish student sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to raise awareness for climate change. She and many of our young people are worried about the impact of the decisions leaders, governments and industry will have on the future state of our planet. Our students at OLMC share some of these concerns. Currently Year 5 have been investigating the impact we are having on our school environment with our waste practices. They are developing strategies and plans that will assist us in improving our care for the environment. 

We must consider our personal impact. It can be overwhelming when we consider the enormity of the problems our shared Earth faces.However we can change some of our daily habits around transport, waste and energy use which help us live up to our responsibilities as stewards of Creation. We ask God’s help as we strive to keep this covenant.


God of all creation, 

At the beginning of time you placed a single mandate on humankind - 

To be stewards of creation, to replenish and nurture through all generations

What you have made.

We kneel today amid that same creation -

A world that is, in many ways, more splendid than ever,

But in too many ways, scarred beyond recognition.

Turn us from our unmindfulness,

Help our touch be light,

Help us renew the world that supports us

So that we may once more know creation as it was in the beginning.
